
20 years of the Tree Day

In gratitude for many years of support of the Tree Day, Troton received a figurine.

On the 20th of October 2022 in Służewiec Community Centre in Warsaw an inauguration of the 20th edition of the Tree Day took place. The Day was introduced by the Gaja Club, which engages the society to plant and protect trees as well as take action for the environment and climate. Thanks to the involvement of over 780 thousand participants of this program, more than 1 million trees and bushes were planted.

For a dozen years or so, our company has been an active member of the program. Partnering with Gaja Club we planted several dozen thousand trees. During the aforementioned celebration, Troton received the figurine for many years of support.

(author of the photo: Gaja Club)

20 years of the Tree Day

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