We run our business by taking into account the highest standards of business ethics

Integrity, responsibility and principles of business ethics are the foundations of our success. We believe this is the way the development of our company can be achieved based on trust and longtime relationships with our Partners.

Our commitments and norms in responsible and ethical code of conduct at Troton have been regulated in such documents as: Anticorruption politics and Environmental politics of Troton.

Anticorruption politics

Troton’s integrity is valued by our Clients, Business Partners and Employees.

Bearing in mind ethical principles and fulfilling obligations from the Anticorruption Policy, here at Troton, we try to ensure the model of running our business is transparent and fair. In this way, the development of Troton can be done in a sustainable way long term.

Anti-corruption Policy Troton Ltd. – download PDF file

Environmental Policy

Being responsible does not only mean fulfilling formal and legal requirements, but it is also an investment in human resources, environmental protection and relationship with partners.

Environmental policy has been adapted to social and legal requirements. We do our best in raising ecological awareness and prevention of every type of pollution. Environmental policy forms a basis to outline and monitor environmental aims and activities. It is documented, deployed, communicated to all employees and publicly available.

Taking into account aforementioned principles, the Board of Troton declares:

  • To treat environmental management as one of its priorities and come up with plans and actions for the company to operate in an environmental friendly way,
  • To manage the processes in a way which enables constant reduction of a negative impact on the environment,
  • To implement principles of so called ecological operation when developing new technological processes.

We pay a special attention:

  • To limit the use and where possible to eliminate substances which are negative for the environment,
  • To reduce energy use,
  • To rationalize the use of raw materials,
  • To reduce the amount of rubbish,
  • To act according to legal provisions in the environmental field, both national and international, as well as take into account other parties’ demands, whether these are clients, business partners, governmental or social institutions etc.,
  • To assess a potential impact on the environment of our production and products, in a decision making stage,
  • To consult, and where possible, to advise our distributors’ clients and the public about principles of an appropriate usage and disposal of our products,
  • To support a recycling programme,
  • To educate employees by informing them about the environmental policy, appropriate programmes, training courses and actions as well as motivate them to work in a way which shows they are also responsible for the environment and in accordance with this policy.
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