
Troton supported students in building a bolide!

Troton supported PGRacing Team with products worth 5000 Polish zloty.

Troton eagerly supported PGRacing Team with products worth 5000 Polish zloty, which helped students with building a PGR-06 bolide, which took part in the FS Netherlands competition. PGRacing Team consists of group of students from Gdansk University of Technology, who are members of a Student Research Group “Mechanic”. The group was formed in mid-2014 as an initiative of a group of students from the former Mechanic Department of Gdansk University of Technology. In those 8 years, 5 vehicles were created. The aim of students was to design and create a real bolide to take part in the most prestigious automotive student competition in the world – Formula Student.

Congratulations to the team for the results during the competition:

  • Business Plan Presentation Event – 11th place
  • Cost & Manufacturing Event – 16th place
  • Engineering Design Event – 9th place
Troton supported students in building a bolide!

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